水と畝が奏でる詩 -内水氾濫に適応し、来訪者と障害者に配慮した矢切地区の耕作放棄地改造提案 –

張 思語

The Poetry of Water and Furrows -A Proposal to Redevelop Yagiri's Abandoned Farmlands with Flood Adaptation and Inclusivity for Visitors and People with Disabilities-


  • JP
  • EN

水と畝が奏でる詩 -内水氾濫に適応し、来訪者と障害者に配慮した矢切地区の耕作放棄地改造提案 –

張 思語

The Poetry of Water and Furrows -A Proposal to Redevelop Yagiri's Abandoned Farmlands with Flood Adaptation and Inclusivity for Visitors and People with Disabilities-



The Yagiri area in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, is the largest suburban farmland in the Tokyo metropolitan area, boasting rich natural resources and historical culture. However, due to aging populations, abandoned farmland is increasing, and the presence of welfare facilities means users include people with disabilities. Additionally, the area faces issues with inland flooding. This design aims to utilize the characteristics of the farmland to create a multi-layered landscape that adapts to changes in rainwater levels. Rainwater is both a management target and an element that energizes the space, evoking the rhythm of nature. The design provides a multisensory experience of nature, catering to the diverse needs of users. The goal is to create an attractive space where the beauty of farmland harmonizes with fluctuating water levels.