雑木の杜と暮らすまち 東京都における森林環境譲与税の使徒研究および 森林環境譲与税の新しい活用法としての東京緑地計画2.0パイロットプロジェクトの提案
櫻庭 由樹
A town living with copse of trees Research on the use of the Forest Environment Transfer Tax in urban areas Proposal for the Tokyo Green Space Plan 2.0 Pilot Project as a New Use of the Forest Environment Transfer Tax
Yoshiki Sakuraba
- JP
- EN
雑木の杜と暮らすまち 東京都における森林環境譲与税の使徒研究および 森林環境譲与税の新しい活用法としての東京緑地計画2.0パイロットプロジェクトの提案
櫻庭 由樹
A town living with copse of trees Research on the use of the Forest Environment Transfer Tax in urban areas Proposal for the Tokyo Green Space Plan 2.0 Pilot Project as a New Use of the Forest Environment Transfer Tax
Yoshiki Sakuraba
In the past, Japan has built a close relationship with nature for daily life by utilizing and regenerating nature. How can we revive this relationship between nature and daily life in urban areas? The Tokyo Green Plan, which focused on the relationship between the city and nature, was not realized due to the wave of urbanization and postwar confusion, but now that we are in an era of declining population, a new green plan may be needed as one way to solve complex urban issues. While addressing the issue of how to use the forest environment transfer tax in urban areas, we propose the Tokyo Green Space Plan 2.0 and its pilot project based on a regenerative approach that seeks to solve problems by regenerating the balance of nature.