風景を聴く 〜美濃加茂に潜むサウンドスケープの体験〜
田口 漱志郎
Listening to the landscape -Perceiving the soundscape hiding in Minokamo-
Soshiro Taguchi
- JP
- EN
風景を聴く 〜美濃加茂に潜むサウンドスケープの体験〜
田口 漱志郎
Listening to the landscape -Perceiving the soundscape hiding in Minokamo-
Soshiro Taguchi
Since Raymond Murray Schafer advocated the concept of soundscape, many activities based on this idea have been carried out. However, noise problems still occur frequently today, so I think people have a low awareness of environmental sounds in modern society. In response to this issue, I created an installation work to raise awareness of the soundscape using actual sound sources recorded at two locations in Minokamo City, Gifu Prefecture. Listeners can adjust the volume of each type of sound individually. Through an “interactive” auditory experience, listeners can acquire new interpretations of the landscape by themselves.