隣人たちの野に浸る −ランドスケープ・イマージョン展示における空間特性と没入感に関する研究と提案−

和田 悠里

A Study and Proposal on Spatial Characteristics and Sense of Immersion in Landscape Immersion Exhibition

Yuri Wada

  • JP
  • EN
  • 奨励賞

隣人たちの野に浸る −ランドスケープ・イマージョン展示における空間特性と没入感に関する研究と提案−

和田 悠里

A Study and Proposal on Spatial Characteristics and Sense of Immersion in Landscape Immersion Exhibition

Yuri Wada


Zoos serve social roles such as species conservation, research, education, and recreation. However, the recreational aspect is often emphasized rather than learning. This may be because visitors do not feel immersed in the exhibit space and do not see animals as subjects of learning. In response, the "landscape immersion" approach was developed, recreating natural habitats and integrating animals and visitors into a shared landscape. This study focuses on the sense of immersion created by this exhibition method and examines its relationship with spatial characteristics. Based on the findings, I propose a redevelopment plan to enhance immersion at Chiba Zoological Park.