自然と人為の交錯 ―「作庭記」読解に基づく一関遊水地の庭園空間化―

井田 衿花

Intersection of nature and artifice: Transformation of the Ichinoseki Retentioin Pond into a garden based on a interpretation of "Sakuteiki"

Ida Erika

  • JP
  • EN
  • hibiya_landscape_design_student_exhibition_2024_award_for_excellence
  • 奨励賞
  • 日比谷ランドスケープデザイン展2024_最優秀賞

自然と人為の交錯 ―「作庭記」読解に基づく一関遊水地の庭園空間化―

井田 衿花

Intersection of nature and artifice: Transformation of the Ichinoseki Retentioin Pond into a garden based on a interpretation of "Sakuteiki"

Ida Erika


This study attempts to apply the concept of traditional Japanese garden design to contemporary landscape design. From the "Sakuteiki," I derived a two-step design approach of "abstracting nature" and "reconnecting to the environment," and used this theory to create a contemporary garden experience at Ichinoseki retention pond. The "abstracted" nature motifs that appear at key points are only on the physical scale, but the landscape is connected to the vast spatial scale of the mountains tens of kilometers away and the long time scale of annual changes in water level. The appearance of the garden seems to fit in with the Hiraizumi landscape, but at the same time, something special is happening, and a new image of Hiraizumi is reconstructed in the viewer's mind.