登山道という生物 -レジリエントな登山道整備を目的とした新たな整備概念の提案

鯉川 哲平

Mountain trail as Living organism -The new concept of repair to keep the trail resiliently-

Teppei Koikawa

  • JP
  • EN

登山道という生物 -レジリエントな登山道整備を目的とした新たな整備概念の提案

鯉川 哲平

Mountain trail as Living organism -The new concept of repair to keep the trail resiliently-

Teppei Koikawa


These days the mountain trail is decreasing in Japan.
That’s because with mountain repairing, people count on the mountain cabin too much and unclear repairing system.
Then, I propose new concept of repair to keep the trail resiliently. This new idea comes from the cairn and its composing system.
In this system I designed new products as stones in cairn.
And, climbers are main components in this system and its seems like Living organism’s recovering system.