流転の結い目 〜武蔵野の雑木林が織りなす多磨の循環と弔いの風景〜

佐々木 達有

The Perpetual Knot ~Reinterpretation of former Musashino woodland management practices to create a landscape of circulation and mourning~

Tau Sasaki

  • JP
  • EN
  • 奨励賞

流転の結い目 〜武蔵野の雑木林が織りなす多磨の循環と弔いの風景〜

佐々木 達有

The Perpetual Knot ~Reinterpretation of former Musashino woodland management practices to create a landscape of circulation and mourning~

Tau Sasaki


In contemporary urban cemeteries, the issue of unclaimed graves is becoming increasingly significant due to the rise of nuclear families and the declining birthrate. As a result, there is a growing need to explore new forms of mourning that move beyond the traditional family grave system.
How should future “places of mourning,” independent of family succession, be designed in urban environments?
By reinterpreting the management practices of the Musashino woodlands, we seek to create a space where the memory of the deceased is preserved within the community, while continuously evolving within the changing landscape.
I propose a new cemetery park, where a public park and a cemetery as a personal space of mourning coexist within a microtopography, allowing the time of remembrance and the everyday landscape to gently intersect.