大蛇の眠る町 −伊豆山土石流災害における記憶を継承する復興 “Naturalistic Restoration”の提案−
和田 悠里
The town where the serpent sleeps - Proposal of "Naturalistic Restoration": a way of reconstruction to succeed to the memories of the Izusan mudslide-
Yuri Wada
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大蛇の眠る町 −伊豆山土石流災害における記憶を継承する復興 “Naturalistic Restoration”の提案−
和田 悠里
The town where the serpent sleeps - Proposal of "Naturalistic Restoration": a way of reconstruction to succeed to the memories of the Izusan mudslide-
Yuri Wada
本制作では、土石流の痕跡の風景化により、その記憶が人々の中に生き続ける復興の形、Naturalistic Restorationを提案する。
"On July 3, 2021, a large-scale mudslide occurred in the Izusan area of Atami City.
Recovery efforts are still underway for the fastest possible reconstruction, and in the not-too-distant future, measures against mudslides will be taken and people's normal lives will be back little by little.
On the other hand, the memories of the mudslide will fade away as the traces of it disappear.
What kind of reconstruction should we aim for?
In this work, I propose ""Naturalistic Restoration,"" a way of reconstruction to succeed to the memories of the mudslide by maintaining the traces of it as the new local landscape."