かたちの先に見えるもの -自然界のかたちを巡る考察に基づく雄島大湊神社の参拝路の提案―

北嶋 萌絵

Shape and beyond - A proposal for a visit route of Ominato shrine in Oshima based on a study of shapes relating to the natural world -


  • JP
  • EN
  • tojogaoka
  • hibiya_landscape_design_student_exhibition_2024_award_for_excellence
  • 戸定ヶ丘賞
  • 熊谷玄賞
  • 日比谷ランドスケープデザイン展2024_最優秀賞

かたちの先に見えるもの -自然界のかたちを巡る考察に基づく雄島大湊神社の参拝路の提案―

北嶋 萌絵

Shape and beyond - A proposal for a visit route of Ominato shrine in Oshima based on a study of shapes relating to the natural world -



"Landscape architects are faced with the contradiction: they must draw a shape for the dynamic environment of which they are a part. Nevertheless, as my attempt to explore the form of landscape, I propose to ""leave some kind of intention in the form of a slight shape while leaving it to the power of nature"" on Oshima Island in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture.
I will arrange the places of experience along the bedrock structure that is consistent throughout the island, which is gradually being chipped away from stratified rhyolite to sheet-like joints. By revealing the shapes and forces that characterize each site, and by sensing the principle that shapes this world, the struggle between shapes and forces, and the workings of life that remain even after the passage of time, we have created a new experience that touches on what people have tried to see beyond prayer since ancient times."